Meditation for Manifesting Money 
By Jafree Ozwald & Margot Zaher

Every morning after 20 minutes of walking, yoga, exercise etc take time to sit down and truly relax.  Sit in a comfortable chair and repeat  the sound "Ahhhhhhhh" out loud or in your mind for 15-20 minutes.  Imagine a golden light running from the base of your spine, up to the heart, out the middle of the forehead (3rd eye), and showering down all over your body. FEEL as if you have already manifested the amount of money you're asking for.
If it helps you to feel this more, imagine a movie screen 5 feet in front of you.   Experience the movie of yourself having the exact amount you are requesting.  See yourself doing and experiencing the things you wanted to do with the money you desired.  The more you can focus on the feelings of abundance as if it's ALREADY here now, the success will actually be deposited into your bank account. 
It's about raising your vibration to the level where you can receive what you wanted.  There is only trust and practice involved here.  You are allowing yourself to feel that you now have already attained that which you want to manifest. 
Every evening for at least an hour before you get sleepy.  Sit and repeat the sound "Ommmmmm" out loud or in your mind 15-20 minutes. Imagine the same golden light running from the base of your spine, up to the heart, out the middle of the forehead (3rd eye), and showering down all over your body. THANK the Universe for already manifesting the amount of money you asked for.

Practice being grateful to the Universe for giving you the exact amount of money you desired.  Be deeply appreciative for it has ALREADY happened and you can relax now. So relax! Feel the trust & knowingness to your core that your desire has already manifested and you are enjoying it!  
Throughout your entire day and night, talk about your desire in your head (or out loud with a friend) as if it's already been manifested. Speak about how great it is, how wonderful it feels to have this magically happen and how grateful you are to the Universe for helping you out. This is called Dream Dialoging. You can read the details about how to most effectively do this in our Manifesting Manual, "How to Raise Your Manifesting Vibration" at

If you are meditation challenged and cannot do the exercises above on your own, we have recorded a set of 3 Powerful Manifesting Money Meditations that you can instantly download at this link...enjoy!

Remember... you can easily allow yourself to feel that great abundance is on its way!
Much peace, prosperity and enlightening thoughts to you,
Jafree & Margot

 "There are basically two movements of consciousness:
Love & Fear. Love is allowing what is and fear is resisting it." ~Nirmala



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