Who is Jafree


This planet has been completely amazing and intriguing to me and continues to remain this way to this day.  As far back as I can remember, I have always had a deep curiosity about this world, and this feeling that our mind and body were the greatest mysteries for us to experience, celebrate, and explore. 

 I was born into this body on February 16th, 1970 in La Junta, Colorado at 2:07pm. I was born under the name Jeffrey Grant Oswald. I spent most my childhood bouncing around like Tigger, asking questions that most adults couldn't answer such as, "What are we all doing here?"

I was always asking intimate questions about life, wondering and pondering what created the odd, bizarre, and "super-natural" people of this world.  I feel it was this deep curiosity to know the Truth that awakened my intuitive gifts and first brought me into seeing my spiritual path. 

At 12 years old I was noticing these intuitive abilities started to develop as I was able to see "through" people, meaning beyond their facade of false words and fake faces.  I could really sense and know exactly what was really going on inside them underneath it all.

 I was learning how to listen through a bigger filter, and felt this wider perception and viewpoint of the Universe about them.  It was as if I was wearing a "Spiritual Hearing Aid" that simply listened to the Truth.  I always heard what was really communicated by tuning into the silence between their words.

My mom once told me that I was a Pokka-dotted fish swimming with a school of striped bass.  So I got my head knocked around a lot in football (that should have woke me up), and all I wanted was some Enlightened Being to fall in love with, to trust and just be interested in the real me.  I just wanted the feeling that somebody "got me", not some ridiculous touchdown that really never counted for anything.  

My first glimpse of a "spiritual awakening" came to me June 1988, on graduation day from High School.  My parents were trying to inspire me to go to college, yet I wanted to go to Norway and be with this beautiful exchange student I went to prom with.  So I was either going to acquire a University degree in Indiana, travel the world with no money, or live at home and work a 9 to 5 job at the local Jiffy Lube. 

I could not choose, so I surrendered to existence.  There was this "merging" of my mind and the physical reality all around me, and had this very STRONG knowing that I was free to do anything!  It was the first time I felt that I had magical manifesting abilities.  I remember hearing something my father once said about "anything is possible".  I felt the future was wide open to something amazing because there was something guiding me...

It's amazing how the Universe always knows the bigger picture and has our highest interest in mind.  My parents encouraged me to attend this little Mennonite College in Indiana where they met, so I did.  I lasted about 3 months before they tried to kick me out for partying to hard (this was a Mennonite college) and thankfully ended up going on their study/service abroad program in Costa Rica.  This is where I encountered my first miraculous mystical being named Carlos.  He was the first person I met who could actually stop his mind and be fully present. 

His silence was soooo deep inside that he kept listening intently to my yearning for Truth even after I was done speaking.  He had this super warm heart and it felt like God was speaking through him.  Each of the answers he had to my questions were real, authentic and from the heart.  He knew without words how to show me exactly what we are all looking for.  He introduced me to silence between the heartbeats where I found an Infinite Source of peace and love inside my soul.

My first out-of-body experience happened after picking coffee beans in Costa Rica one hot lazy afternoon.  During a typical nap on a very hard couch I became so relaxed (and yet conscious enough) that I fell out of my body and INTO the couch!  I suddenly snapped back into my body thinking I couldn't breathe inside the wood and springs which brought me to my first experiential realization that who I really was... not the mind and not this body.

After 3 months in Costa Rica, I came back home to Colorado and had the most amazing enlightening lucid dream.  Carlos, myself and a crowd of people were all gathered around a being that I knew and could feel was Jesus.  The circles were 20 people deep around him, yet it did not matter how close you were, his sweet permeating love and exquisite peace was just as strong when you focused in his direction.  It was like every crack and crevice in your being was being filled with total love. 

In the few moments that I was with Jesus I absorbed his unconditional love for everything and this infinite acceptance into my heart, returning back to my body with these sensations on awakening.  This energy felt so good, so warm, and sooooo powerful that you could not do anything but melt into it.  This is what I practiced for the next 6 months. 

Life felt like my body was physically dissolving and transforming from experiencing this Divine Love and gentle tender heart-warming energy.  My feelings were being continuously bathed in a healing pool of energy this one encounter.  I realized this amazing love was in everything and in everyone, everywhere I went.  The unconditional loving feeling still remains in my heart everywhere I am to this day.

In 1993 I decided to move to Norway to be with the Norwegian girl I went to prom night with in High School.  She was the love of my life and within a few years we decided to get married.  She was a great being to catalyze the profound spiritual changes that were about to manifest within me.  I remember my first Norwegian spiritual awakening began one cold Norwegian evening in September of 1993. 

We were out on the town (in Oslo) and I had met this random guy at a party who was really drunk.  He started talking to me about committing suicide that night because he girlfriend didn't love him.  I could see through his game, illusions and despair and felt this deeper yearning to be free.  I decided to leave our group of friends and stay up with him till 5 a.m. trying to talk him into living.  I had never done anything like this with anyone before in my life, yet I felt this VERY deep strong urge to save this man's life. 

After 4 hours of listening, he was tired of talking and said he wouldn't kill himself that evening, so I went home to go to bed.  About 35 minutes later I was awakened by a telephone call from America.  The voice on the phone said, "Your father just committed suicide you must come home immediately."  I was so shocked that it didn't hit me until days later that my father was the man I was so desperately trying to save that exact same night, from the other side of the world.  For the next year I began the most intense soul searching and self-inquiry in my entire life.   I kept asking the question  "Who am I?" and "What do I really want to do with my life now?" 

My life became this forever questioning clueless path of fluctuating anger and depression.  I was doubting every decision I made about myself, shunned my closest friends advice, and rejected what everyone "knew" in the world.  I felt like I was a ship completely lost at sea.  I prayed that I would find my previous peaceful mindset that knew, "Life is an Infinite adventure merging with the Divine within."  It is only now that I understand how feeling lost is the fuel for creating the greatest inward adventure there can be. 

At 23 years old I was introduced to Siddha Yoga and the amazing force of energy in the body called the Kundalini.  I began experimenting with focusing on the base of my spine for long periods of time, and great surges of tremendous energy and altered states of consciousness would explode through me.  I was amazed at the actual power hidden with each human body, I had to know more! The powers of the Yogis excited me.  I had to find out why Levitation was possible for the Yogi's, and what all this had to do with my spiritual awakening. 

For the next 3 years learning how to levitate became my quest, passion and reason for living life.  I found a book which taught the secrets of How To Levitate, which became my bible at the time.  I desperately tried to meditate and create enough vital energy (Chi) inside myself to lift my physical body an inch or two. 

 I knew it was possible because within that same year I was introduced to three people in three different countries who had actually Levitated.  Two of them could float 3 feet above the ground for several minutes when they were young, and the other still flies around like superman to this day.  The more I realized how real this phenomena was, my doubting skeptical scientific researcher inside began to relax and see that anything was truly possible.  I began to practice ancient breathing techniques that moved the Kundalini energy up and down my spine. 

The desire to awaken this flying power led me to India where I got to meet an Indian guru named H.W.L. Poonja (or Papaji) Papaji pointed me towards something even more amazing than supernatural powers.  I thought I was in charge of my mind and life before I met Papaji, now I see that was yet another mind game and Ego trip.  It was 7 days after my birthday in 1995, in Lucknow India, where my mind stretched beyond anything I could ever imagine or comprehend.

It happened one hazy morning in the Satsang Hall where Papaji was offering his talks to 200+ people.  He walked into the room and I took a picture of him without his permission.  He gave me a look that could kill a small animal!  This intense energy squeezed my heart until I thought it was going to pop and I would die!  I apologized immediately and as soon as he left the room, I stood up and this atomic bomb exploded throughout my entire mind, body and being.

The silence after this inner explosion literally stopped my mind from thinking that IT was charge of thinking, doing, being etc.  There was nothing and no one left.  Only a small witness of existence who was one with everyone and everything.  Thoughts still happened, yet "I" was no longer behind the steering wheel of them and they were not nearly as intriguing as this peaceful super quiet Presence inside. 

Everywhere I went was amazing, life was truly heaven on earth without being identified with this  "me" but rather the unified one Being.  This Samadhi experience lasted for the next several weeks to come and became the most amazing life transforming experience of my entire life. 

Life has been completely different since that day.  I no longer get wrapped up in the suffering that is created by the mind because I know who I am.  Yet, the mind is like a wild elephant who often tries to regain control.  So I realize even though I've tasted Samadhi, there is still MUCH more to understand, experience, learn and integrate on a conscious and energetic level.  I have my entire life to integrate this experience. 

So in December of 1995, I decided to go to India by myself and do a meditation retreat with a group of 300 people in a little town called Bodhgaya. This is the town where Buddha attained Enlightenment under the enormous ancient Bodhi tree.  The energy in this place is totally amazing.  After 10 days of meditating (twice a day), I had my second Samadhi experience.  It was absolute indescribable bliss, 52 hours of pure conscious connection to The Cosmic Source and its Infinite Light energy, Love and Universal Awareness. 

This was a much different experience than the one before, for I had no need or desire to eat, sleep, think or drink anything for two and a half days!  Honestly, I don't even think I really needed to breathe!  I had more physical energy and psychic knowledge of everything and everyone in existence than I ever imagined was humanly possible.  Every person I met was like an open book which I could read instantly in a few seconds from beginning to end!  Unknowingly, I had awakened some Siddhi powers through these long deep meditations. 

I remember sitting on top of a vendor's roof in town and "asking" this one cloud in the distance to form a donut around the sun.  In about 10 minutes it did!  A perfectly round donut with a circular hole where the sun shined through onto me remained there for several minutes.  I could also telepathically call animals from hundreds of meters away to come up and greet me.  I knew in detail what people were thinking before they would say anything.  I could feel a magical energy inside me and all around me everywhere I went.  If you would like to experience a one-on-one personal Samadhi Coaching session with Jafree over the phone, you can order a session at this link.

Of course I realize that this phenomena in no way dictates that "I am enlightened". In no way do I think my enlightening experiences mean I am enlightened, yet rather were like an initiation for me into the "Enlightening process" which I understand is exploring everything with a constant state of love, lightness and wonder.  There is still sooo much still to learn here and that I often feel I have just started on the spiritual path.  

Since 1989, I have fallen back into unconsciousness and reawakened dozens of times and realize one cannot ever get off this path once its been found.  There is simply nothing as amazing to compare.  I believe that all my many experiences with drugs, alcohol and attachment to the material world created this experience of falling back asleep to the 3D dream world.  Yet I know the more time I spend in a completely quiet mind, the closer I am to being a fully self-realized being.

On a side note, I want you to know that this website is not about me and calling myself an "enlightened being".   This site is simply to bring attention to that Enlightening State of Being within yourself and knowing that this potential exists within every human being on this planet.

I understand that what each of us is here to learn is so vast and divine that it is truly beyond the mind's comprehension.  We need to relax beneath the mind, beyond the mind, into our core essence to uncover this Divinity inside.  We were born to explore this truly Infinite core of our Being that has such a deep and profound sense of Oneness with everything, and yet is also profoundly free from Everything. 

 We are here to constantly realize our true Self is the God Self.  This takes an incredible letting go.  Releasing the ego for years and all beliefs (positive and negative) and truly being at peace 24/7 within one's deepest core essence.  Yes, you may have many Samadhi experiences yet the masters say one cannot be considered fully "Enlightened" until they've reached Nirvikalpa Samadhi which takes about 6 hours of pure undiluted consciousness in deep meditation (meaning there are no other thoughts entering the mind).

These glimpses of Samadhi are the greatest gifts life has given me.  I realized that once you reach a certain level of spiritual evolution, you can return to it at anytime you like.  I found that each moment I spent in Samadhi was like having a personal conversation with the Divine Universal Intelligence.  I was constantly unfolding my own persona, letting it go and bathing in the stream of many previous lifetimes.

I remember in a few seconds I was connecting with millions of years of past lives which I had experienced before in some form (rock, plant, animal, etc) of consciousness.  It was all available, in the glimmer of an instant.

It was in India that a very strong message came to me quite clearly saying I had the option of dedicating my life to freedom and further enlightenment.  I decided I would actually change my name legally to give devotional roots to this new awakening path.  I heard the name Jafree (pronounced JAH-FREE), and the meaning behind it said, "You are God and God is pure unbounded freedom!" 

For several weeks after this Samadhi experience in India everything I experienced was directly connected to the pure Infinite Source, untainted by the Ego's agenda, or the mind's filter of words and judgment.  Existence became crystal clear, and everyone I met was actually illuminating with this higher vibration and spiritual essence of God-like energy.


For several months after India I continued to communicate with the Universal Intelligence intimately. This time it was much more personal and revealing than before.  It was actually speaking to me.  Personal information about my life came through all kinds of different avenues like people, animals, clocks and even radio advertisements. There was this sacred communion and connection with this Infinite consciousness and always present Intelligence everywhere I was.

In the Spring of '97, my marriage with my Norwegian wife Elisabeth had fallen apart.  We divorced and I went through the 2nd greatest pain in my life.  I felt an extremely strong pull to leave Norway and move back to Boulder Colorado where I had received my B.A. in Psychology in 1992 at the University of Colorado in Boulder.  I decided to become a certified hypnotherapist with The Alchemy Institute.  This was where I met my next partner Margot Zaher.

We both had moved from Europe to Boulder that same summer, decided to go to the same hypnotherapy school, and live in the same apartment building in Boulder!  These 3 huge synchronicities made me realize we were meant to do something profound together. Nothing is by chance or coincidence... ever.

After several months bringing people in and out of deep trance states, I felt myself being drawn to giving Akashic Readings for a psychic hotline in Denver. There I explored an entirely new side of my self with giving readings to thousands of people from all around the world.

Margot and I soon discovered this was a very unusual enlightening relationship and decided to move in together.  About 5 years later we married and went into business together.  In 2004, we took a year to co-write The Manifesting Manual and created a way to teach people how to easily and effortlessly manifest their dream life with our 90 Day Manifesting Program!

Within a few months we started finding phenomenal results with people who would voluntarily tell us how they manifested a half million dollars with our program. I know it sounds miraculous and if you don't believe me read these Testimonials!

We of course were using this program ourselves and were physically manifesting whatever our heart desired and still can do this to this day.  Yet, there is something much more precious and important in life than acquiring things of the material world.  I wanted to awaken the planet by sharing what I learned in my Samadhi experiences.

In the year 2000 I started to send out enlightening email articles sharing how anybody could empower and enlighten themselves.  This is how the Enlightened Manifestor email list was born.  These enlightening articles you can sign up to receive for free on the yellow link above.

In the summer of 2007 my life took a turn that I never would have guessed.  I was being pulled again to deepen in my spiritual path, when I met an incredible light being that I instantly knew was my twin flame.  I didn't know what was about to happen, or that winter I would be faced with the most challenging decision I'd have to make in my life. 

The moment our eyes met I knew that she was definitely an "Angel" living in a human body, and ironically her name is Angela.  I felt that we had been together for many lifetimes before this one.  I found my soul being sooo deeply attracted and torn at the same time, since Margot and I were still married.  Yet, my soul kept saying to trust this experience and that my life purpose was to open my heart to a higher love.  So we did.

The amazing thing is how Margot was always 100% supportive and loving during this painful time of indecision.  She knew deep down that I had to follow what my soul came here to do, and after a year of getting to know Angela I decided I had to make the leap and trust this amazing soul connection by diving deeper into this love.

If there's one thing I can share with you that I learned from this experience, its that there is always something guiding us much deeper inside than what our conscious mind can know.  I felt for the first time that every big event in my life had already been planned out way ahead of time, and there was nothing I could do to change the course of my soul's destiny. 

I realized that pre-destination and "free will" do exist as complementary forces in this Universe. When we are living from our highest vibration and consciousness, we naturally and effortlessly manifest the life of our dreams. This is what living in Samadhi is all about.  This exploration is about revealing and enjoying who (or what) is creating every divine moment of this living existence.  This is my path now, to constantly explore the Source which is free from all suffering and completely liberated from it all. This is where my life journey begins...

I hope you learned something about yourself out of reading my life story.  If you're interested in doing a personal Manifesting Session with me over the phone, you can order an experience at this link.  Enjoy!!

Personal Manifesting Coach Jafree Ozwald!

 Jafree Ozwald


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There is a global wave of enlightenment already in progress.  The world is simply waiting for YOU to join.  How to dive in?  Be very quiet, still and rest in your innermost being. Get curious that you are this God-Source, and it is everywhere around you and within you.   Soon you will FULLY realize that within the center of your innermost core you are an eternal being who is infinitely connected to a Source of unlimited intelligence, power and potential energy! 

Manifest Your Heart's Desires with this 90 Day Manifesting Program"There are no accidents or coincidences in this world. Nothing is by chance. Everything you experience is a direct manifestation of where you have focused your attention and held your vibration." ~Jafree

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