The Real Yogic Life and Spiritual Autobiography of the Ascended Master
Jesus Written by Jafree Ozwald
Before I begin, I invite you to not blindly accept anything that is said. Do your research! My story is my own personal research and experience about what truly happened to Jesus and the spiritual life he lived. I invite you to do you our personal research on Google, and develop your own deep self enquiry to discover your own experience and your own truth about what happened to the man which we know to be Jesus. To let you know, I feel the truth in my bones, it sings to me in such a way that it resonates with my heart and soul. In some way it feels like a guitar whose strings are in perfect tune. If you know what your chakras are, I invite you to 'tune them' before you read this article so that you can feel it when you hear what resonates for you and what doesn't. Looking through the past 2000 years of information on the life of Jesus, and listening to my own personal intuitive knowledge from the Akashic Records, I've cautiously filtered through many layers of information to provide you the following insights below, which I honestly feel is what really happened to the man we all know as Jesus. Here is what I've found... Jesus was born a "normal" human being, like you and I, who realized his deep spiritual connection with God at a very young age. He had many past lives on his spiritual path, so he was already a highly conscious being when he came into his mother's womb. He choose to be born in a very wealthy family (under the house of David) so he did not have many financial fears or worries imposing on him growing up. This would give him time to explore his spiritual path deeply in this lifetime. Jesus was a very free spirit and spent most of his time in nature, with children and connecting with everyone from his heart. He was a super sensitive child, quiet and serene. At the age of 14 a major inner change happened which brought him out of the closet and he begin his life long spiritual exploration. Jesus was becoming a man, and like how all little boys need to go through this awkward and challenging stage, he was no exception. Even though his family was extremely wealthy, there were many times during his youth, when he witnessed much hardship, deceit and darkness from the world around him. Being emotionally protected by the walls of his extended family, he was forced to move his search deeper inside himself to find out the real truth. The inner path was his mission, passion, and
purpose during his late teenage years. At 17 years he experienced a
Spiritual Awakening and
Kundalini rising which led him on a deeper search out into the
world for answers, which helped him awaken a much deeper sensual and
spiritual connection within his body. Around age 26 he found
out that he wanted to bring healing and truth into the hearts and
minds of the world. This deeper knowing caused his soul to be pulled
away from his family and he traveled far from home to live amongst and
study under the most enlightened beings of his time. Again, always listen to what
your body says is true. If your chest/heart opens and expands
that means "yes". If it contracts that is a "no". Practice
listening to your chest to see what resonates as the 'truth' fiction. Jesus learned how to control
his breathing (practicing pranayama techniques) which enabled him to
quiet his mind enough to deeply connect with the God Source. It was
during this time of deep meditation that he realized and experienced
the Divine God Source alive inside him, and became a fully
self-realized yogi master at the age of 28. There was much fear, judgment,
discord and gossip that spread, especially after people saw him being
enamored by 12 disciples (some nearly twice his age) who seemed to
follow the young master wherever he went. Especially the men we
know their "names" to be Mark, Matthew, Luke, John and Peter were
amazed by this young mans wisdom and awakened 'siddha' powers.
These weren't the real names of his disciples yet translations brought
in by the catholic church. You must remember that he was human, and so having to constantly be on the move and in this constant fearful vigilance wore at him over the years. Jesus was used to relaxing deeply, as he was meditating in India for many years, so this constant movement and life threatening daily existence was not easy to work with. Yet, he also knew that he was much more powerful than any weapon or force that they had. Mary Magdalene and Jesus knew each other from a very young age. She was his life long love. Jesus had other girlfriends, yet it was Mary who was his destined soul mate. Just a few months before he knew he was about to be crucified, she had Jesus baby twins. They had a boy and a girl, yet the girl soon died after birth. Jesus took Mary and his child to France to be safe in a cave in the mountain. He had to save the baby from being killed by the king. When he went back alone, he was soon captured. Jesus couldn't just flee back to India and abandon his mission to educate his disciples who were also worshiping the ground he walked on. He had to find a way through this predicament. Jesus knew that human beings learn by our living example. This caused him to take the non-confrontational path with the Roman army and yet stick to his mission. Jesus came to the realization
that he needed to do something drastically creative and new. He knew
he would eventually get caught, he saw it coming. So he decided
to surrender himself, go through with his crucifixion and move his
body into a higher dimension. He was a Siddha master and was
going to "fake" his own death. The yogic deathless state that
Jesus could bring his body into allowed him to be thrown into a tomb
alive, long enough where he would be pronounced officially dead. This
was his plan from the beginning, as you must realize we are dealing
with a true enlightened master here. It was the ideal solution
to liberate himself from the social pressure and media who kept him in
constant persecution. As long as he was pronounced dead, he was
safe to live a normal peaceful life again. Jesus laid in a deep Samadhi state for 7 days and he ascended to a very high state of consciousness. He realized that his spirit "light body" was powerful enough to manifest a new body and heal himself in the physical form. After 7 days Jesus had ascended. He could manifest himself into the physical form at will, or live only in his light body. He bi-located to France often to visit his son and Mary Magdalene (yes she was the 13th disciple). She became a master of meditation, tantra and pranayama learning from and living with Jesus. He also met with his disciples for next several years after his crucifixion and taught them all his knowledge. At the ripe age of 36 Jesus had mastered the physical form and over the next 3 decades he taught Mary Magdalene how to do this as well. He never left her. Together they raised their son deeply in love and higher consciousness until she physically ascended. At the age of 94, Jesus felt
his physical journey on earth had come to an end and left his body
permanently. Over the years his physical remains were stolen and
are now residing in 2 tombs, one in Egypt and the other in northern
India. You can visit this place in person or at
this link, and see how
everyone there recognizes him as the enlightened
being he truly was. Here are a few life changing quotes to meditate upon from Master Jesus...
The truth shall set you free. Those who lose themselves, shall find themselves.
Have the faith of a mustard seed, and all things shall be possible to you.
The Kingdom of Heaven is within You now. All that I have done, you can do also; wherever I am, you may be also.